Curious about oil-less turkey fryers? It seems weird that a tool with no hot oil could produce crispy delicious turkey. So I put it to the test, along with some other recipes as well to see if it could hold up to the heat.
This post was sponsored by Char-Broil. However, my years-long disdain for Alton Brown’s dramatics has mellowed over time, my opinions regarding his contraption expressed here are my own.
Do you remember that episode of Alton Brown’s show Good Eats, ย where he used a turkey fryer? It was 78% Alton constructing some bizarre pulley system that would slowly plunge the turkey into the hot oil, while the operator and anything flammable stands far enough away that should the fryer spill, impending doom would be narrowly escaped. Which, in all, reads like a subplot to the next Star Wars movie. It was reductio ad absurdum, ย that level of complication and overstated. I remember scoffing at him, thinking his contraption an over-the-top example to make a point about the safety issues concerning a giant pot of oil atop an open flame (and that’s before the holiday imbibing starts).
But, I do believe that traditional turkey fryers as a whole are terrifying. I mean, on average, via the U.S. Fire Administration, about 4,000 house fires happen on over the holidays, with 900 being from deep fryers in 2011 alone according to the NFPA. And, should you escape without burning down the house, there is still retrieving your turkey from a vat of hot bubbling hot oil that could cause severe injuries.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I own a deep fryer (bet you have a surprised look on your face right now), but I actually haven’t used it since I got my Char-Broil Big Easyยฎ Oil-less Turkey Fryer, and although this post is sponsored by them, they didn’t require I write that. It’s just the truth.
On top of wanting my dad’s home to stay intact, I use the Big Easy because it feels healthier, easier, far less dangerous and produces a damned good turkey.

All you have to do is lower the turkey into the cage, place the cage in the cooker and let it cook. The skin comes out amazingly crispy, the bird moist, and most of all you will probably escape from a serious chance of injury. (Fancy wording here means that itโs still a hot cooker, and it should always be monitored for safety). Now the new grill grate attachment makes it fun to play with and cook on over the TRU-Infraredโข heat as well. I do love a double-duty gadget.
Thinking of trying out the Big Easy Oil-less Turkey Fryer? Here’s a rundown of 10 epic recipes perfect for holiday entertaining featuring the Big Easy just in case you were worried it was a one trick pony.