GirlCarnivore’s Accessibility Statement

This is an accessibility statement from Girl Carnivore.

Measures to support accessibility

Girl Carnivore takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of Girl Carnivore :

  • Include accessibility as part of our mission statement.
  • Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
  • Continued education on creating a web experience that is seamless and accessible for all.

Contact Us

We are working to improve and update our collection of recipes and content. If you are experiencing difficulty with the recipes or content on Girl Carnivore, please contact us and we will work to assist you in any way that we can.

Limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility on Girl Carnivore, some limitations may exist. We are working to improve and update our content as best we can to align with the best standards as outlined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Girl Carnivore. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Girl Carnivore via our contact page.


This statement was created on February 26th, 2023

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