This guide covers the reverse sear technique for steaks, explaining how to slowly roast then sear for an evenly cooked interior with a craveable crust.
Start by removing your steak from the package and patting dry with a paper towel.
Season the steak liberally with kosher salt and place it on a wire rack over a baking sheet.
Let it dry brine, uncovered over night.
Build a 2-zone fire:
Set up your grill for indirect grilling by building a 2-zone fire. See the notes below for charcoal, gas, or pellet grills.
Clean and oil the grill grates.
Preheat the grill to 250 degrees F.
Slow Roast the Steak:
Place the steak on the cool side of the grill and close the lid.
Cook the steak until it reaches an internal temperature 10 degrees lower than your finished desired temp. For us, that means cooking a 2" thick ribeye to 115 degrees F, about 30 to 45 minutes. Use a digital meat thermometer for the most accurate results.
Sear the Steak:
Remove the steak from the grill and increase the heat to 450 degrees F.
When the grill is hot, return the steak to the direct heat, the hot side of the grill, and sear 60 to 90 seconds a side, rotating as needed, to get a good crust on all sides.
If your steak is over 2" thick, make sure to sear the edges too.
Use caution when searing over direct heat, as the rendering fat can cause flare ups.
Rest and Serve:
Carefully transfer the steak to a baking sheet or cutting board and top it with a knob of compound butter.
Let the steak rest for 7 to 10 minutes before slicing against the grain into thin strips.
Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper, if desired, and serve.
We recommend this method for steaks over 1 pound or 1 1/2" thick. Thinner steaks can be better cooked hot and fast with a quick sear.Adjust the times based on the thickness of your cut. After slow cooking, you can sear the steak in cast iron for an even better edge-to-edge crust.For a Charcoal Grill:
When ready to grill, pour lit charcoal into one side of your grill. Nestle the grill grate back on top, clean and oil the grates, and adjust the air vents to pre-heat the grill to 250 degrees F.
Slow cook the steak as directed.
When ready to sear, remove the steak from the grill, keep the lid off, and adjust the air vents for maximum airflow. Let the coals get ripping hot before finishing the steak as directed.
For a Gas Grill:
Prep the grill for indirect heat. Start by preheating the grill with all burners on. Clean and oil the grates. Then turn off the heat on 2 of the 3 (or 3 of the 4) burners and allow the grill to cool off to 25o degrees F.
When the grill has preheated, place the steak on the cool side of the grill and cook as directed.
When ready to sear, increase the heat on the lit burner to high and let it preheat.
Transfer the steak to the hot side of the grill and sear as directed above.
For a Pellet Grill:
Preheat your pellet smoker to 250 degrees F. Place the steak on the grill grates. Smoke as directed until the steak reaches 10 degrees below your desired temperature.
Then transfer the steak to a baking sheet or cutting board and increase the temp on to sear or as high as your pellet grill will go.
When the grill is preheated, sear the steak as directed. We find that on a pellet grill, searing a steak in cast iron at the end really helps form a good crust. If you want to use cast iron, preheat the cast iron on the grill grates as the grill temp is increasing from 250F to sear.
How to Reverse Sear in an Oven:
Prep the steak as directed in the recipe card.
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Place the steak on a foil-lined baking sheet or cast iron skillet.
Bake the steak until the internal temp reaches 10 degrees below where you want the finished steak temp to be.
Preheat a skillet over medium-high heat and sear the cooked steak in the cast iron, flipping to get a good crust on all sides.