In the Know: Common Consumer Questions Answered About Pork

Recently I was able to tour South Dakota pork farms and speak with several farmers on production and wanted to share some hot topics with you.

What is the lifecycle of a market pig? For production, it takes about six months from birth to market.

Animal welfare:

What is the standard operating procedure for antibiotics and hormones in pork production? No hormones are allowed in pork production for growth promotion. Read that again.

Antibiotics are used as needed in farming, but with caution and diligence.

What is the average pork consumption in the US? In 2016 it was 47 pounds for the average consumer.

Most popular cuts for the consumer? Ribs Tenderloin Chops Shoulder

Variations of breakdowns and uses are regional and based on what your family needs.

Be sure to cook pork to an internal temp of 145 and allow at least 3 to 5 minutes rest.

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