IPA Pulled Pork Cheese Dogs Recipe

Ingredients –  Pulled Pork – hot dogs 1 pack all beef brisket – pint tomatoes cherry tomatoes –  Dog Buns For the Easy IPA Cheese Sauce –flour –  butter –  Beer A can of IPA Craft –  cheddar cheese sharp or mild – cayenne pepper – Salt and cracked black pepper

For the Slaw –  Cabbage – red onion – green pepper –  brown sugar –  mayo – apple cider vinegar

1. Reheat the Pulled Pork  2. melt the butter with the flour and cook stir to combine, cooking for 1 minute to make your roux. 3. Whisk in the IPA a bit at a time. Add the cheese in a bit at a time, whisking the whole time.

4.  As the cheese melts, season with the cayenne, salt, and pepper. 5. Reduce heat to low and allow the cheese to melt.

6.  Move off heat if needed, or add a bit more IPA Craft beer if the cheese begins to thicken. 7. Meanwhile, cook the hot dogs on the grill. Whisk the cabbage slaw ingredients together. Toss to combine.

8. Arrange dogs with the buns, cheese sauce and cabbage for people to  create a build their own bar with a case of beer and a relaxed atmosphere.

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